2022/12/02 Hackerrank - DigitalWallet
2022/12/01 RuntimeException and checked Exception
2022/12/01 347. Top K Frequent Elements
2022/12/01 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)
2022/11/29 1094. Car Pooling
2022/11/24 Setup Zookeeper + Kafka in VMware
2022/11/20 543. Diameter of Binary Tree
2022/11/19 1628. Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function
2022/11/19 1152. Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
2022/11/17 364. Nested List Weight Sum II
2022/11/17 339. Nested List Weight Sum
2022/11/17 277. Find the Celebrity
2022/11/17 1429. First Unique Number
2022/11/17 510. Inorder Successor in BST II
2022/11/17 285. Inorder Successor in BST
2022/11/15 System design cheat sheet
2022/11/14 472. Concatenated Words
2022/11/14 207. Course Schedule
2022/11/14 695. Max Area of Island
2022/11/14 987. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree
2022/11/14 653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
2022/11/14 1046. Last Stone Weight
2022/11/14 1160. Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters
2022/11/14 Google questions
2022/11/13 803. Bricks Falling When Hit
2022/11/13 2402. Meeting Rooms III
2022/11/11 683. K Empty Slots
2022/11/11 359. Logger Rate Limiter
2022/11/11 681. Next Closest Time
2022/11/11 545. Boundary of Binary Tree
2022/11/11 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
2022/11/08 2221. Find Triangular Sum of an Array
2022/11/08 1567. Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product
2022/11/08 2104. Sum of Subarray Ranges
2022/11/08 719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance
2022/11/08 2259. Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result
2022/11/08 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck
2022/11/08 2006. Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K
2022/11/08 TODO
2022/11/08 244. Shortest Word Distance II
2022/11/04 727. Minimum Window Subsequence
2022/11/04 1740. Find Distance in a Binary Tree
2022/11/04 269. Alien Dictionary
2022/11/04 366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree
2022/11/04 253. Meeting Rooms II
2022/11/04 250. Count Univalue Subtrees
2022/11/01 937. Reorder Data in Log Files
2022/11/01 994. Rotting Oranges
2022/10/31 1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
2022/10/31 710. Random Pick with Blacklist
2022/10/30 Redis (NoSQL) Cache
2022/10/30 1366. Rank Teams by Votes
2022/10/29 MySql (4) - Performance Optimization
2022/10/29 Java Design Pattern
2022/10/29 224. Basic Calculator
2022/10/27 MySql (1) - Indexing, Locking and Transaction
2022/10/27 MySql (3) - Sharding
2022/10/27 2290. Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner
2022/10/26 MySql (2) - Master/slave
2022/10/26 MyBatis and SSM (Spring/SpringMVC/MyBatis)
2022/10/25 SpringMVC learning notes
2022/10/25 Java Spring framework
2022/10/24 463. Island Perimeter
2022/10/24 1254. Number of Closed Islands
2022/10/24 547. Number of Provinces
2022/10/24 1864. Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String Alternating
2022/10/24 1854. Maximum Population Year
2022/10/24 655. Print Binary Tree
2022/10/23 202. Happy Number
2022/10/23 948. Bag of Tokens
2022/10/23 234. Palindrome Linked List
2022/10/22 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree
2022/10/22 426. Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List
2022/10/22 523. Continuous Subarray Sum
2022/10/20 875. Koko Eating Bananas
2022/10/20 276. Paint Fence
2022/10/20 158. Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times
2022/10/20 Java一些基础语法:Comparator, MapEntry, Iterator
2022/10/19 440. K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order
2022/10/19 241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses
2022/10/18 17.12. BiNode LCCI
2022/10/17 并查集 (261. Graph Valid Tree)
2022/10/17 261. Graph Valid Tree
2022/10/17 622. Design Circular Queue
2022/10/17 773. Sliding Puzzle
2022/10/17 240. Search a 2D Matrix II
2022/10/17 238. Product of Array Except Self
2022/10/16 1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses
2022/10/16 394. Decode String
2022/10/16 331. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree
2022/10/16 993. Cousins in Binary Tree
2022/10/16 1352. Product of the Last K Numbers
2022/10/16 2096. Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another
2022/10/16 311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication
2022/10/15 981. Time Based Key-Value Store
2022/10/15 1123. Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves
2022/10/15 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
2022/10/15 1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box
2022/10/15 1302. Deepest Leaves Sum
2022/10/15 1712. Ways to Split Array Into Three Subarrays
2022/10/15 1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden
2022/10/14 221. Maximal Square
2022/10/14 295. Find Median from Data Stream
2022/10/14 739. Daily Temperatures
2022/10/13 System design questions
2022/10/12 163. Missing Ranges
2022/10/12 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes
2022/10/12 210. Course Schedule II
2022/10/11 1428. Leftmost Column with at Least a One
2022/10/11 1143. Longest Common Subsequence
2022/10/11 785. Is Graph Bipartite?
2022/10/11 692. Top K Frequent Words
2022/10/10 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
2022/10/10 983. Minimum Cost For Tickets
2022/10/10 769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted
2022/10/10 239. Sliding Window Maximum
2022/10/10 652. Find Duplicate Subtrees
2022/10/09 696. Count Binary Substrings
2022/10/09 299. Bulls and Cows
2022/10/08 396. Rotate Function
2022/10/08 1654. Minimum Jumps to Reach Home
2022/10/08 206. Reverse Linked List
2022/10/06 264. Ugly Number II
2022/10/05 797. All Paths From Source to Target
2022/10/05 1405. Longest Happy String
2022/10/02 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards
2022/09/26 1153. String Transforms Into Another String
2022/09/25 642. Design Search Autocomplete System
2022/09/23 1652. Defuse the Bomb
2022/09/23 346. Moving Average from Data Stream
2022/09/23 418. Sentence Screen Fitting
2022/09/23 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
2017/05/21 [Question] Trie Wildcard String Matching
2017/05/12 [Question] Dutch national flag problem
2016/07/31 [Design] How to Design Logging
2016/07/30 [Design] MVC, MVP and MVVM
2016/07/10 [Design] Design Twitter
2016/06/10 [Octopress] Add Aside Content to Octopress
2016/05/07 [Design] User Registry Table Design
2015/11/21 [Design] Designing a simple web crawler
2015/11/20 [Design] How to generate Maze
2015/11/20 [Question] Swizzle Sort
2015/11/17 [Design] Strategy design pattern
2015/11/14 [Question] Partition Problem (divide array into halves)
2015/11/03 [LeetCode 188] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
2015/10/27 [Java OOP] Java ArrayList implementation
2015/10/22 [Java OOP] Template method pattern (abstract class)
2015/10/22 [Java OOP] What is Java Exception
2015/10/22 [Java OOP] Java Vector and ArrayList
2015/10/22 [Java OOP] Static class and Inner class
2015/10/21 [Java OOP] Why avoid using Protected?
2015/10/21 [Fundamental] What is a Literal?
2015/10/21 [Fundamental] Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive Rules
2015/10/21 [Fundamental] Polynomial, quadratic, cubic and exponential
2015/10/13 [Fundamental] UML Class Diagrams
2015/10/12 [LintCode] Segment Tree Build II
2015/10/12 [LintCode] Segment Tree Build
2015/10/12 [LintCode] Segment Tree Modify
2015/10/12 [LintCode] Segment Tree Query II
2015/10/12 [LintCode] Segment Tree Query
2015/10/07 [Fundamental] Segment Tree
2015/10/06 [Amazon] All Strings by Placing Spaces
2015/10/06 [Question] Find Cloest Leaf in Binary Tree
2015/10/06 [Question] Largest Sub-square with Edges filled
2015/10/03 [Fundamental] The 7 Bridges Problem
2015/10/01 [Google] Shortest Manhattan Distance
2015/09/01 [Design] Facebook Photo Storage
2015/08/29 [Design] How Google search works
2015/08/29 [NineChap System Design] Class 4.1: Crawler
2015/08/29 [NineChap System Design] Class 4.2: Search Engine
2015/08/27 [NineChap System Design] Class 3.2: Web Service
2015/08/27 [NineChap System Design] Class 3.1: Web Service
2015/08/25 [NineChap System Design] Class 2.1: Database
2015/08/25 [NineChap System Design] Class 2.2: Database
2015/08/23 [Java OOP] Three Properties of Class/Object
2015/08/22 [NineChap System Design] Class 1.1: Overview
2015/08/22 [NineChap System Design] Class 1.2: An Example
2015/08/22 [NineChap System Design] Class 1.3: Improvement
2015/07/22 [Design] How is Pipe implemented in Unix/Linux
2015/06/08 [Design] Cryptographic standard, AES and RSA
2015/06/07 [Design] Linux and TCP ports
2015/05/23 [Java OOP] Overload, Override, Compile, Runtime (Static/Dynamic Polymph)
2015/05/20 [Palantir] Sort Letters Given Lexicographic Order
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 201] Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 191] Number of 1 Bits
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 200] Number of Islands
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 198] House Robber
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 189] Rotate Array
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 199] Binary Tree Right Side View
2015/05/09 [LeetCode 190] Reverse Bits
2015/04/30 [LeetCode 187] Repeated DNA Sequences
2015/04/14 [LeetCode 173] Binary Search Tree Iterator
2015/04/14 [LeetCode 174] Dungeon Game
2015/04/14 [LeetCode 179] Largest Number
2015/04/13 [LeetCode 168] Excel Sheet Column Title
2015/04/13 [LeetCode 169] Majority Element
2015/04/13 [UVa] Wooden Sticks
2015/04/13 [Question] 编程之美 NIM 一排石头的游戏
2015/04/12 [LeetCode 172] Factorial Trailing Zeroes
2015/04/12 [LeetCode 171] Excel Sheet Column Number
2015/04/12 [LeetCode 164] Maximum Gap
2015/04/11 [LeetCode 165] Compare Version Numbers
2015/04/11 [LeetCode 162] Find Peak Element
2015/04/11 [Palantir] Find Duplicate within K Distance
2015/04/11 [Palantir] MultiMap in Java without using Collections
2015/04/10 [LeetCode 166] Fraction to Recurring Decimal
2015/04/07 [LeetCode 160] Intersection of Two Linked Lists
2015/04/06 [LeetCode 154] Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
2015/04/06 [LeetCode 153] Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
2015/04/06 [LeetCode 155] Min Stack
2015/04/06 [Octopress] Add Google AdSense to Octopress
2015/04/06 [LeetCode 152] Maximum Product Subarray
2015/02/14 [Design] HBase and HDFS
2015/02/13 [Design] Speed Up Webpage for Slow Connection (1)
2015/02/13 [Design] Speed Up Webpage for Slow Connection (2)
2015/02/13 [Design] Speed Up Webpage for Slow Connection (3)
2015/02/13 [Design] Speed Up Webpage for Slow Connection (4)
2015/02/12 [LinkedIn] Sum of integer weighted by depth
2015/02/12 [LinkedIn] Unique combination of factors (因式分解)
2015/02/12 [LinkedIn] Sort part to make entire array sorted
2015/02/12 [Google] Minimum adjustments
2015/02/11 [LinkedIn] Executive's Schedule
2015/02/10 [LinkedIn] Isomorphic Strings
2015/02/10 [Design] Application Server vs. Web Server
2015/02/09 [Design] Design Cache System (`)
2015/02/08 [Google] Array Signature
2015/02/08 [Java OOP] Can abstract class have constructor
2015/02/08 [Java OOP] Can abstract class have 0 abstract method?
2015/02/08 [Question] Count multiples of array
2015/02/08 [Google] Heap and BST conversion
2015/02/08 [Design] Intro to Google Spanner
2015/02/08 [Google] Number of slices
2015/02/07 [Design] Big Data - Find Common Elements in 2 Lists
2015/02/07 [Design] Difference: Internet and the Web
2015/02/07 [Google] BST find ceiling
2015/02/07 [Facebook] Generate number with Given probability
2015/02/07 [Design] Find similar library books
2015/02/07 [Google] Transform a unbalanced tree into balanced tree
2015/02/07 [Google] Transform a unbalanced tree into balanced tree
2015/02/06 [Question] Check string with no common letters (Bitmask)
2015/02/06 [Google] First Unique URL
2015/02/06 [Google] Max prodcut of strings that have no common char
2015/02/06 [Design] Multithreading Async Increment Problem
2015/02/06 [Question] Reservoir sampling
2015/02/06 [Google] Continental divider
2015/02/04 [Google] Multi-server Messaging System
2015/02/04 [Java OOP] PubSub (Publish–subscribe) pattern
2015/02/04 [Google] Set Cover Problem
2015/02/04 [Google] Implement a Blocking Queue
2015/02/04 [Design] Winning Games Rank (pagerank)
2015/02/03 [Google] Data Structure of Insert, Remove, GetRandom
2015/02/03 [Amazon] Grep command interview question
2015/02/03 [Google] Number of subtrees with even nodes
2015/02/03 [Google] Collatz Conjecture (Oneness property)
2015/02/03 [Google] Snakes and ladders
2015/02/02 [Design] Monitor Rps for Past sec/min/hr
2015/01/31 [Greedy] Activity Selection Problem
2015/01/31 [Design] Limit the Request per Second
2015/01/31 [Greedy] Each Employee 2 events
2015/01/31 [Question] Stock Span Problem (couting BST)
2015/01/29 [Question] 2D Bin Packing
2015/01/28 [Apple] Calculate Area
2015/01/28 [Question] Packing Rectangles
2015/01/28 [Question] Product Array Puzzle
2015/01/27 [Fundamental] Implement Trie and Suffix Tree
2015/01/27 [Question] Two Dimensional Knapsack Problem
2015/01/26 [Google] Generate Request ID
2015/01/26 [Fundamental] Pattern Searching Algorithms
2015/01/26 [Fundamental] Prefix Tree
2015/01/26 [Fundamental] Suffix Array
2015/01/26 [Fundamental] Suffix Tree
2015/01/25 [Question] Push and Pop Sequences of Stacks
2015/01/25 [Google] Make a Java method thread-safe
2015/01/23 [Design] Design Google Suggest (autocomplete)
2015/01/23 [Design] Distributed Caching - memcached
2015/01/19 [Palantir] Largest basin size in matrix
2015/01/19 [Google] Top n values from Sum of 2 arrays
2015/01/19 [Java OOP] Java Vector and ArrayList
2015/01/19 [Java OOP] Interface and Abstract classes
2015/01/19 [Design] Difference between HTTP and HTTPS
2015/01/18 [Question] Check if two line segments intersect
2015/01/18 [Design] Difference between HTTP protocol and TCP protocol
2015/01/18 [Question] Check if given point inside polygon
2015/01/17 [Amazon] Lexicographic rank of a string
2015/01/17 [Google] Lexicographic order (letter replacement) of dictionary
2015/01/17 [Question] Maximum square sub-matrix with all 1s
2015/01/16 [Amazon] Find nodes of distance k from Binary Tree
2015/01/11 [Java OOP] BlockingQueue and Thread Pool
2015/01/11 [Java OOP] Java BlockingQueue (2)
2015/01/11 [Java OOP] Java BlockingQueue (1)
2015/01/10 [Google] Diameter of a Binary Tree
2015/01/10 [Question] All distinct subsequences with given length
2015/01/10 [LinkedIn] Find all repeating substring with given length
2015/01/10 [Google] Check if repeating subsequence exists
2015/01/10 [Google] Crazy Distance Between Strings
2015/01/10 [Amazon] Longest Repeating Substring
2015/01/10 [Question] Number of distinct sub-sequence
2015/01/10 [Question] Number of occurence of given sub-sequence
2015/01/09 [Google] Form a Queue Given Heights
2015/01/09 [Google] Maximum Count Array in a Queue
2015/01/09 [Google] Reverse a Stack without DS
2015/01/09 [Amazon] Mininum Range that includes at least One
2015/01/08 [Design] Real Time Top k
2015/01/08 [Design] Big Data - Top k Frequency (hands-on)
2015/01/08 [Question] Most Frequent Word from a book
2015/01/08 [Amazon] Match triplet with reverse order
2015/01/08 [Design] Terminology: n-gram
2015/01/07 [Google] Check all numbers given the decimal scale
2015/01/07 [Google] Number of distinct substrings
2015/01/06 [Design] P2P Technology
2015/01/06 [Question] Longest Common Substring
2015/01/06 [Facebook] Scheduling Jobs with Max Cost
2015/01/05 [Design] Big Data Storage
2015/01/05 [Design] Cloud, Grid and Cluster
2015/01/05 [Design] Distributed hash table
2015/01/05 [Facebook] Write a Json prettifier
2015/01/01 [Question] Frog Crossing (dynamic programming)
2014/12/26 [Design] Database Indexing
2014/12/22 [Ruby] Endless error with gem dependencies
2014/12/22 [Java OOP] Java Runtime Exception
2014/12/21 [Java OOP] Discussion of Polymorphism
2014/12/21 [Facebook] Maximum sum such that no two elements are adjacent
2014/12/21 [Ruby] RubyGems, gem, Gemfile and Bundler
2014/12/21 [Question] Split an integer or coin
2014/12/21 [Java OOP] Interface extend another Interface
2014/12/21 [Java OOP] Common Root of Java Classes
2014/12/21 [Java OOP] Override/overload Java main method
2014/12/17 [Facebook] Binary Search Tree 3Sum
2014/12/16 [Question] Equilibrium Points in 2D Array
2014/12/16 [Facebook] Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order
2014/12/07 [Epic] Patient Disease Data Structure
2014/12/01 [Question] Axis Aligned Rectangles
2014/11/29 [Question] Multiples of 3 and 5
2014/11/03 [Google] Code a HashMap
2014/10/31 [Question] Find row with most 1s
2014/10/07 [Question] Interleave Positive and Negative Numbers
2014/10/01 [CC150v5] 18.7 Longest Word Made From Other Words
2014/09/30 [CC150v5] 17.14 Optimal Way to Unconcatenate Doc
2014/09/29 [CC150v5] 17.13 Convert BST to DLL
2014/09/27 [CC150v5] 11.8 Get Rank in Stream of Integers
2014/09/26 [CC150v5] 17.6 Order an Array by Sorting Middle
2014/09/25 [CC150v5] 14.6 Implement CircularArray in Java
2014/09/23 [CC150v5] 12.0 Example - Troubleshoot Google Chrome
2014/09/23 [CC150v5] 11.4 Sort 20GB File
2014/09/16 [CC150v5] 9.7 Paint Fill in Map
2014/09/16 [CC150v5] 9.10 Stack up the Boxes
2014/09/16 [CC150v5] 9.3 Find Magic Index
2014/09/16 [CC150v5] 9.11 Parenthesize the Expression
2014/09/15 [CC150v5] 5.1 Binary Merge 2 Numbers
2014/09/15 [Brain teaser] 6.1 Bottles of Pills
2014/09/15 [Google] Guess Password
2014/09/15 [CC150v5] 5.6 Swap Odd and Even Bits
2014/09/15 [CC150v5] 5.5 Calculate Bits Conversion Required
2014/09/14 [CC150v5] 3.0 Example - Implement Stack
2014/09/14 [CC150v5] 2.7 Linked List Palindrome
2014/09/14 [CC150v5] 3.2 Stack Min Value
2014/09/14 [CC150v5] 3.7 Stack of Animals
2014/09/13 [CC150v5] 2.2 Kth last element (recursive)
2014/09/11 [Design] DNS Communication Protocol
2014/09/10 [Google] Length of Longest Arithmetic Progression (LLAP)
2014/09/10 [Google] Arithmetic Progression Triplet
2014/09/10 [Google] Barrier, Goods Van and Distance
2014/09/10 [Question] Celebrity Problem
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.4 Count 2s in Digits
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.8 Full Text Search (suffix tree)
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.11 Find Subsquare with Black Border
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.12 Sub-matrix with Largest Sum
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.3 Generate M int from Array of Size N
2014/09/09 [CC150v4] 20.6 Top Million from Billion
2014/09/08 [CC150v4] 19.6 Convert Integer to English
2014/09/08 [Google] Winner of tic-tac-toe
2014/09/08 [CC150v4] 19.4 Get Max Number without Comparator
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 10.6 Find Collinear in 2D Plane
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 10.4 Implement Mathematical Operators
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 14.3 Java Final, Finally and Finalize
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 14.6 Java HashMap Counter
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 14.2 Java Finally Statement
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 11.2 Random error debugging 2
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 14.1 Java Private Constructor
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 15.1 SQL count and group by statement
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 14.5 Java Reflection
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 15.2 SQL Types of Join
2014/09/07 [CC150v4] 11.4 Test Webpage without Tools
2014/09/06 [CC150v4] 5.2 Convert Integer to Binary Form
2014/09/06 [Brain teaser] 6.2 Cover the Chess Board
2014/09/06 [CC150v4] 5.7 Find Missing Number
2014/09/06 [CC150v4] 8.4 Generate Permutation Recursively
2014/09/06 [CC150v4] 9.5 Search Array Containing Empty String
2014/09/06 [CC150v4] 9.0 Example - Sort Persons
2014/09/05 [CC150v4] 4.7 Check Subtree
2014/09/05 [CC150v4] 4.5 Find Next Node in BST
2014/09/05 [CC150v4] 3.4 Towers of Hanoi
2014/09/05 [CC150v4] 4.8 Print Path Sum to Value
2014/09/05 [Google] Form a Palindrome with Insertion
2014/09/05 [CC150v4] 3.6 Sort Stack
2014/09/03 [Google] Find Second Shortest Path
2014/09/03 [Google] Unsolved Mystery of UTF8 Encoding
2014/09/02 [Design] Leader Election
2014/09/02 [Google] String Replacement Question
2014/09/02 [Google] Weird Sort Array
2014/09/01 [Google] Array Distance A(i)+A(j)+(j-i)
2014/09/01 [Google] Find Anagrams in Dictionary
2014/09/01 [Java OOP] Observer pattern
2014/08/31 [Google] Crosswod Solver
2014/08/31 [Design] Multithreading - Deadlock Prevention
2014/08/31 [Facebook] Hamming Distance of Array
2014/08/29 [Fundamental] A-Star Search
2014/08/29 [Fundamental] Min-Max Algorithm (minmax)
2014/08/29 [Design] Cryptographic Hash, MD5 and Digital signature
2014/08/29 [Fundamental] Travelling salesman problem
2014/08/28 [Google] Boggle Solver (search words from matrix)
2014/08/27 [Design] HTTP cookie
2014/08/27 [Google] Google Pre-interview Coaching
2014/08/27 [CC150v4] 10.7 Ugly Numbers (Hamming numbers)
2014/08/26 [Twitter] Count Visible Nodes in Binary Tree
2014/08/26 [Question] Duplicate Rows in Matrix
2014/08/26 [Google] Google API read4096 (read4K)
2014/08/26 [Twitter] Largest Cycle in Permutation
2014/08/25 [Testing] Test hashCode() function
2014/08/25 [Design] Virtual Memory, Page Fault and Thrashing
2014/08/25 [Design] OOD Design of Elevator
2014/08/24 [CC150v5] 8.10 Implement a Hashmap
2014/08/24 [CC150v5] 8.9 Design a in-memory File System
2014/08/24 [CC150v5] 8.4 Design a Parking Lot
2014/08/23 [CC150v5] 8.7 Design Online Chat Server (1)
2014/08/23 [CC150v5] 8.8 Design Othello Game
2014/08/23 [CC150v5] 8.7 Design Online Chat Server (2)
2014/08/22 [Design] Stack and Heap
2014/08/22 [Design] Shared Hosting vs. VPS Hosting
2014/08/22 [Design] Merits of BST over HashTables
2014/08/21 [CC150v5] 8.1 Design a Generic Deck of Cards
2014/08/19 [Question] Count Set Bit in Binary Number
2014/08/19 [Question] Ways of Dice Throw
2014/08/19 [Question] Square Count of Matchstick Graph
2014/08/19 [Java OOP] Singleton, 3 implementations
2014/08/18 [Question] Count Level in Perfect Binary Tree
2014/08/18 [Java OOP] Factory Pattern
2014/08/18 [Java OOP] Singleton Pattern Introduction
2014/08/16 [ItInt5] Number of Valid Trees Given Preorder and Postorder
2014/08/16 [Twitter] Arithmetic Expression Evaluation
2014/08/16 [ItInt5] Numbers Concatenation Max (Largest Number)
2014/08/15 [Google] Orthogonal Traverse the Map (`)
2014/08/15 [ItInt5] Excel Decimal Conversion
2014/08/14 [Google] Alphabet Table (`)
2014/08/14 [Google] Product All 1s
2014/08/14 [ItInt5] 跳马问题加强版
2014/08/14 [Facebook] Task Scheduling Question
2014/08/14 [Question] Greatest Common Divisor
2014/08/13 [Facebook] Query Search (HashMap, suffix array)
2014/08/11 [Design] From Client/Server to Multi-Tier
2014/08/11 [CC150v4] 9.7 Circus Tower Routine
2014/08/10 [Design] TCP 3-Way Handshake
2014/08/10 [Google] Count Complete Binary Tree
2014/08/10 [ItInt5] Maximum circular subarray sum
2014/08/09 [Design] Big Data - Remove Duplicate Numbers
2014/08/09 [Design] Big Data - Top k Frequency (case analysis)
2014/08/09 [Design] Big Data - Find Existence of a Number
2014/08/09 [Design] Big Data - Fuzzy Search url (Bloom Filter)
2014/08/09 [Design] Big Data - Find Median Numbers
2014/08/08 [Design] Median of array in Distributed Computers
2014/08/08 [Design] Functional programming
2014/08/08 [Testing] Test Command Line Copy
2014/08/08 [Design] Process VS. Thread
2014/08/07 [Question] Add Integers without +/++
2014/08/07 [Question] Decimal to Hexadecimal
2014/08/07 [Design] Composition Over Inheritance
2014/08/07 [Question] Max Sum Of Non-Consecutive Elements
2014/08/07 [Design] Producer Consumer Problem
2014/08/07 [Java OOP] Thread pool pattern
2014/08/06 [Google] Million Phone Numbers
2014/08/06 [Testing] Random error debugging 1
2014/08/06 [CC150v4] 9.4 Sort Large Files
2014/08/06 [Design] Distributed Network Bottleneck
2014/08/05 [Google] Connect Graph Nodes and Avoid Intersect
2014/08/05 [Design] HTTP Headers
2014/08/05 [Design] Networks and TCP/IP
2014/08/05 [Google] Postorder successor in Binary Tree
2014/08/04 [Design] Amazon Web Services
2014/08/04 [Design] MapReduce Common Friends Example
2014/08/04 [Design] MapReduce Intro
2014/08/04 [Google] Replace Question Mark With Number
2014/08/04 [Java OOP] Upcasting, Downcasting and Object Slicing
2014/08/04 [Question] Print Numbers containing 5
2014/08/04 [Google] Write a Random Number Generator
2014/08/03 [Google] Find Nearest Point in a 2D Space
2014/08/03 [Google] Find Occurance Greater Than Index
2014/08/03 [Google] Traveller Path Problem
2014/08/03 [Design] Overview of Big Data Technology
2014/08/03 [Design] Hadoop cluster
2014/08/03 [Design] Model–view–controller (MVC)
2014/08/02 [Google] Design Solar System (`)
2014/08/02 [Design] Multilayered architecture
2014/08/02 [Google] Three Keys Data Structure
2014/08/02 [CC150v4] 17.1 Type a URL in Browser and Hit Enter
2014/08/01 [Google] Print string comparison order
2014/08/01 [Google] Special increasing adjacent sequence
2014/07/31 [Question] Arranging Sequence
2014/07/31 [Question] Overriding private method
2014/07/31 [Question] Shuffle An Array (Fisher–Yates)
2014/07/31 [Question] Max Sum In A 2D Array (sub-matrix)
2014/07/30 [Question] Inorder Successor in Binary Search Tree
2014/07/30 [Question] Points On Globe Puzzle
2014/07/30 [Question] Run-Length Encoding
2014/07/29 [Question] Nth Fibonacci Number In O(LogN)
2014/07/29 [Question] Peripheral Of A Complete Tree
2014/07/28 [Question] Construct a BST from Preorder Traversal
2014/07/28 [Question] Remove chars in Pairs
2014/07/28 [Question] Which loop is faster
2014/07/28 [Question] Find Min & Max in an Array Using Minimum Comparisons
2014/07/27 [Question] Breaking Chocolate Bars
2014/07/27 [Question] Check If Number Exists
2014/07/27 [Question] Matching Nuts And Bolts
2014/07/26 [Question] Elephant And Bananas
2014/07/26 [LeetCode Plus] Coins in a Line
2014/07/26 [Question] Fit 1*2 Dominos In 2*N Strip
2014/07/26 [Question] Reconstruct Tree From Pre-Order Traversal
2014/07/26 [LeetCode Plus] Sliding Window Maximum
2014/07/25 [Testing] Test Number Divisibility
2014/07/25 [Design] Multithreading Q&A
2014/07/25 [Question] Random Number Generate Question
2014/07/25 [Question] Truth tell brain teaser
2014/07/24 [Question] Find 10001st Prime (Sieve of E)
2014/07/24 [Fundamental] Quickselect
2014/07/24 [Design] Big Data - Top k Frequency
2014/07/24 [Design] Semaphore Mutex Toilet Example
2014/07/23 [Question] Find the first non-repeating character
2014/07/23 [Design] Multithreading Basics
2014/07/23 [Java OOP] Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers in Java
2014/07/23 [LeetCode Plus] Convert BST to Circular DLL
2014/07/22 [Question] Least Number after Deleting Digits
2014/07/22 [Question] Largest palindrome product
2014/07/22 [Question] Implement Stack using Two Queues
2014/07/21 [Question] Bucket Sort (bin sort)
2014/07/20 [Octopress] Clone Octopress Blog From A Different Computer
2014/07/20 [Question] Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters
2014/07/20 [Java OOP] OOP - 4 major principles
2014/07/20 [Question] Max Binary Gap
2014/07/20 [Question] Quick Sort
2014/07/12 [Design] Two's complement (2's complement)
2014/07/06 [NineChap 10] Additional Questions
2014/07/03 [Question] Check Power of 2
2014/07/03 [Question] Subarray with 0 Sum
2014/07/03 [Question] Subarray with Particular Sum
2014/07/03 [Question] Subarray with Sum Closest
2014/07/01 [LintCode] Trailing Zeros of Factorial
2014/06/30 [Question] Implement Queue using Stacks
2014/06/30 [Design] HashMap vs Hashtable vs HashSet
2014/06/30 [Question] Median in a stream of integers
2014/06/30 [Question] Implement a HashMap
2014/06/30 [Question] The Skyline Problem
2014/06/30 [Question] Min Stack
2014/06/29 [Question] Make a fair coin from a biased coin
2014/06/29 [Question] 0-1 Knapsack Problem
2014/06/29 [NineChap 9] Big Date, System Design and Resume (`)
2014/06/29 [Question] Coin Change Problem
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Majority Number II
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Majority Number
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Maximum Subarray II
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Majority Number III
2014/06/27 [NineChap 7] Data Structure
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Minimum Subarray
2014/06/27 [LintCode] Partition Array
2014/06/27 [Question] Single Number IV
2014/06/27 [NineChap 8] High Frequency Questions
2014/06/27 [Question] Single Number III
2014/06/26 [Question] Topology Sort
2014/06/26 [LintCode] Previous Permutation
2014/06/25 [NineChap 6] Graph and Search
2014/06/25 [Brain teaser] Khan Academy 8 brain teasers
2014/06/23 [LintCode] Longest Increasing Subsequence
2014/06/23 [LintCode] Longest Common Subsequence
2014/06/23 [NineChap 5.1] Dynamic Programming
2014/06/22 [Design] Cache and Page Replacement Algorithms
2014/06/17 [Question] Number Sum Sequence
2014/06/17 [NineChap 4.2] Linked List Additional
2014/06/17 [Brain teaser] 2 Eggs 100 Floors Puzzle
2014/06/16 [LeetCode Plus] Reverse linked list iteratively and recursively
2014/06/16 [Design] Time complexity calculation (Master theorem)
2014/06/16 [Question] Union and Intersection of two Linked Lists
2014/06/15 [LeetCode Plus] Binary Tree Serialize and Deserialize
2014/06/15 [NineChap 4.1] Linked List
2014/06/14 [Question] Binary Search Tree find upper/lower bound
2014/06/14 [NineChap 3.4] Binary Tree Additional
2014/06/14 [Java OOP] Java Global Variable
2014/06/13 [Question] Count negative in a 2D Sorted Matrix
2014/06/13 [Question] Iterator of Binary Search Tree
2014/06/13 [Java OOP] Java modifier and Access Level
2014/06/12 [Question] Search Range in BST (Trim a BST)
2014/06/11 [Question] Compare Mergesort and Quicksort
2014/06/11 [NineChap 1.2] Permutation
2014/06/10 [Design] BST Node Insertion / Deletion
2014/06/10 [NineChap 1.1] strStr and Coding Style
2014/06/09 [Question] First Character Appearing Only Once
2014/06/09 [LeetCode Plus] Lowest Common Ancestor of BST
2014/06/09 [LeetCode Plus] Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree (II)
2014/06/09 [LeetCode Plus] Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree (I)
2014/06/09 [NineChap 3.2] Binary Tree BFS
2014/06/09 [NineChap 3.1] Binary Tree DFS and Divide Conquer
2014/06/09 [LeetCode Plus] Searching a 2D Sorted Matrix
2014/06/09 [NineChap 3.3] Binary Search Tree
2014/06/08 [NineChap 2.2] Sorted Array
2014/06/07 [NineChap 2.1] Binary Search
2014/06/07 [LintCode] Recover Rotated Sorted Array
2014/06/04 [Testing] Software Testing
2014/06/03 [Question] ASCII, Utf-8, Utf-16 and Unicode
2014/06/03 [Question] Junit Hand-on Notes
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 145] Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
2014/06/02 [Design] Big Endian and Little Endian
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 150] Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 143] Reorder List
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 146] LRU Cache
2014/06/02 [Design] Implemention of DFS using a Stack
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 149] Max Points on a Line
2014/06/02 [LeetCode 151] Reverse Words in a String
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 144] Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 142] Linked List Cycle II
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 141] Linked List Cycle
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 138] Copy List with Random Pointer
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 140] Word Break II
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 139] Word Break
2014/06/01 [LeetCode 148] Sort List
2014/05/31 [LeetCode 137] Single Number II
2014/05/31 [LeetCode 136] Single Number
2014/05/30 [LeetCode 134] Gas Station
2014/05/30 [LeetCode 135] Candy
2014/05/29 [LeetCode 132] Palindrome Partitioning II
2014/05/29 [LeetCode 133] Clone Graph
2014/05/29 [LeetCode 126] Word Ladder II (unsolvable)
2014/05/29 [LeetCode 147] Insertion Sort List
2014/05/28 [Design] DFS, BFS and space efficiency
2014/05/28 [LeetCode 128] Longest Consecutive Sequence
2014/05/28 [LeetCode 131] Palindrome Partitioning
2014/05/28 [LeetCode 129] Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
2014/05/28 [LeetCode 130] Surrounded Regions
2014/05/28 [LeetCode 127] Word Ladder
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 122] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 123] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 121] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 114] Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 124] Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
2014/05/27 [LeetCode 125] Valid Palindrome
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 106] Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 105] Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 119] Pascal's Triangle II
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 115] Distinct Subsequences
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 118] Pascal's Triangle
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 113] Path Sum II
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 112] Path Sum
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 116] Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 120] Triangle
2014/05/26 [LeetCode 117] Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 110] Balanced Binary Tree
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 108] Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 109] Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 101] Symmetric Tree
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 95] Unique Binary Search Trees II
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 98] Validate Binary Search Tree
2014/05/25 [LeetCode 96] Unique Binary Search Trees
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 107] Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 102] Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 103] Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 104] Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 111] Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 99] Recover Binary Search Tree
2014/05/24 [LeetCode 100] Same Tree
2014/05/23 [LeetCode 85] Maximal Rectangle
2014/05/23 [LeetCode 94] Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
2014/05/23 [LeetCode 93] Restore IP Addresses
2014/05/23 [LeetCode 97] Interleaving String
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 89] Gray Code
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 84] Largest Rectangle in Histogram
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 91] Decode Ways
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 88] Merge Sorted Array
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 86] Partition List
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 92] Reverse Linked List II
2014/05/22 [LeetCode 87] Scramble String
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 77] Combinations
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 80] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 82] Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 83] Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 90] Subsets II
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 78] Subsets
2014/05/21 [LeetCode 81] Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 67] Add Binary
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 70] Climbing Stairs
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 72] Edit Distance
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 76] Minimum Window Substring
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 66] Plus One
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 74] Search a 2D Matrix
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 73] Set Matrix Zeroes
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 71] Simplify Path
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 75] Sort Colors
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 69] Sqrt(x)
2014/05/20 [LeetCode 79] Word Search
2014/05/19 [LeetCode 53] Maximum Subarray
2014/05/19 [LeetCode 64] Minimum Path Sum
2014/05/19 [LeetCode 63] Unique Paths II
2014/05/19 [LeetCode 62] Unique Paths
2014/05/18 [LeetCode 60] Permutation Sequence
2014/05/18 [LeetCode 61] Rotate List
2014/05/17 [LeetCode 68] Text Justification (unsolvable)
2014/05/17 [LeetCode 57] Insert Interval
2014/05/17 [LeetCode 65] Valid Number (unsolvable)
2014/05/16 [LeetCode 56] Merge Intervals
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 55] Jump Game
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 58] Length of Last Word
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 52] N-Queens II
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 51] N-Queens
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 59] Spiral Matrix II
2014/05/15 [LeetCode 54] Spiral Matrix
2014/05/14 [LeetCode 50] Pow(x, n)
2014/05/14 [LeetCode 44] Wildcard Matching
2014/05/14 [LeetCode 49] Anagrams
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 41] First Missing Positive
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 46] Permutations
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 43] Multiply Strings
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 48] Rotate Image
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 45] Jump Game II
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 47] Permutations II
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 37] Sudoku Solver
2014/05/13 [LeetCode 42] Trapping Rain Water
2014/05/12 [LeetCode 40] Combination Sum II
2014/05/12 [LeetCode 39] Combination Sum
2014/05/12 [LeetCode 38] Count and Say
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 31] Next Permutation
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 35] Search Insert Position
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 32] Longest Valid Parentheses
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 33] Search in Rotated Sorted Array
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 34] Search for a Range
2014/05/11 [LeetCode 36] Valid Sudoku
2014/05/10 [LeetCode 25] Reverse Nodes in k-Groups
2014/05/10 [LeetCode 23] Merge k Sorted Lists
2014/05/10 [Fundamental] Heap (data structure)
2014/05/09 [LeetCode 29] Divide Two Integers
2014/05/09 [Fundamental] Java Bit Operation
2014/05/09 [LeetCode 28] Implement strStr
2014/05/09 [Fundamental] Recap on Java HashMap
2014/05/09 [LeetCode 30] Substring with Concatenation of All Words
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 22] Generate Parentheses
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 21] Merge Two Sorted Lists
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 26] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 27] Remove Element
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 24] Swap Nodes in Pairs
2014/05/08 [LeetCode 20] Valid Parentheses
2014/05/02 [LeetCode 18] 4Sum
2014/05/01 [LeetCode 16] 3Sum Closest
2014/05/01 [LeetCode 17] Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
2014/05/01 [LeetCode 15] 3Sum
2014/05/01 [LeetCode 19] Remove Nth Node From End of List
2014/04/30 [LeetCode 14] Longest Common Prefix
2014/04/29 [LeetCode 12] Integer to Roman
2014/04/29 [LeetCode 13] Roman to Integer
2014/04/28 [LeetCode 11] Container With Most Water
2014/04/28 [LeetCode 9] Palindrome Number
2014/04/28 [LeetCode 10] Regular Expression Matching
2014/04/28 [LeetCode 8] String to Integer (atoi)
2014/04/28 [LeetCode 6] ZigZag Conversion
2014/04/27 [LeetCode 5] Longest Palindromic Substring
2014/04/27 [LeetCode 7] Reverse Integer
2014/04/26 [LeetCode 2] Add Two Numbers
2014/04/26 [LeetCode 3] Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
2014/04/25 [LeetCode 4] Median of Two Sorted Arrays
2014/04/25 [LeetCode 1] Two Sum
2014/04/24 LeetCode Statistics
2013/11/20 [Question] Get Max Number Game (minmax + dp)
2013/11/20 [Question] Insert Plus and Minus to Complete Expression
2013/11/19 [Amazon] Infix to Postfix conversion
2013/11/14 [Question] Count Arithmetic Slices
2013/11/14 [Question] Shuffle and Get Max Difference
2013/11/04 [Question] Number Of Bus Stations (meeting rooms)