Given a list of integers, which denote a permutation.
Find the previous permutation in ascending order.
The list may contains duplicate integers.
For [1,3,2,3], the previous permutation is [1,2,3,3]
For [1,2,3,4], the previous permutation is [4,3,2,1]
This is almost the same question as “Next Permutation”.
- Find
- Swap
- Replace
public ArrayList<Integer> previousPermuation(ArrayList<Integer> nums) {
// write your code
if (nums == null || nums.size() == 0) {
return null;
int len = nums.size();
int p = len - 2;
// 1. find 1st increasing position from the back
while (p >= 0 && nums.get(p) <= nums.get(p + 1)) {
// 2. swap p with the first smaller value from the back
if (p != -1) {
int q = len - 1;
while (nums.get(q) >= nums.get(p)) {
swap(nums, p, q);
// swap array in range of (p+1, end)
int left = p + 1;
int right = len - 1;
while (left < right) {
swap(nums, left++, right--);
return nums;
private void swap(ArrayList<Integer> num, int p, int q) {
int temp = num.get(p);
num.set(p, num.get(q));
num.set(q, temp);