Composition over inheritance in OOP is a technique by which classes achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by containing other classes instead of through inheritance.
It gives the design higher flexibility, giving business-domain classes and more stable business domain in the long term. In other words, HAS-A can be better than an IS-A relationship.
And inheritance breaks encapsulation! This post also points out these (which is hard to understand):
- You can’t change the implementation inherited from super classes at runtime (obviously because inheritance is defined at compile time).
- Inheritance exposes a subclass to details of its parent’s class implementation, that’s why it’s often said that inheritance breaks encapsulation (in a sense that you really need to focus on interfaces only not implementation, so reusing by sub classing is not always preferred).
- The tight coupling provided by inheritance makes the implementation of a subclass very bound up with the implementation of a super class that any change in the parent implementation will force the sub class to change.
- Excessive reusing by sub-classing can make the inheritance stack very deep and very confusing too.