

In a binary tree, if in the path from root to the node A, there is no node with greater value than A’s, this node A is visible. We need to count the number of visible nodes in a binary tree. For example, in the following tree:

     /     \
   3        10
  / \      /
20   21   1

There are four (4) visible nodes: 5, 20, 21, and 10.


This is an easy question. A solution is available here.


written by me

public int countVisible(TreeNode root) {
    return helper(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

private int helper(TreeNode node, int ancesterMax) {
    if (node == null) {
        return 0;
    int newMax = Math.max(ancesterMax, node.val);
    if (node.val > ancesterMax) {
        return 1 + helper(node.left, newMax) + helper(node.right, newMax);
    } else {
        return helper(node.left, newMax) + helper(node.right, newMax);