

Given a permutation which contains numbers in the range [1, N], return the length of the largest cycle in the permutation.

A permutation cycle is a subset of a permutation whose elements trade places with one another.

Sample Testcases:

a) longestCycle([2 3 1]) returns 3, since only cycle is (1 2 3) whose length is 3

b) longestCycle([5 4 3 2 1]) returns 2, since the permutation can be decomposed into (1 5), (2 4), (3)


This is just an idea.

Now first of all, its important to understand what is a cycle in permutation.

Keeping that in mind, I take (5,4,3,2,1) as an example. First, we fetch 5, and we swap number 5 with the 5th element of the array (which is 1). After this swap, value 1 is in the 1st position, so this cycle is done, the length is 2.

We continue doing this until all numbers of value v is in the (v)th position, we should know the largest length of cycle during this process.

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