

UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding of letters or runes. If the most significant bit of the first byte is 0, the letter is 1 byte long. Otherwise, its length is the number of leading 1’s in the first byte. If a letter is more than one byte long, all subsequent runes start with 10. Here’s a chart:

UTF-8 encoding scheme is described below:

0XXXXXXX = this is the entire rune
10XXXXXX = this is a continuation of the rune from the previous byte
110XXXXX = this is the start of a 2-byte rune.
1110XXXX = this is the start of a 3-byte rune.
11110XXX = this is the start of a 4-byte rune.
111110XX = this is the start of a 5-byte rune.
1111110X = this is the start of a 6-byte rune.
11111110 = this is the start of a 7-byte rune.
11111111 = this is the start of a 8-byte rune.

For example, a 3-byte rune would be 1110XXXX 10XXXXXX 10XXXXXX.

Write a function that decides whether a given byte array (or string) is valid UTF-8 encoded text.


This is an easy question, just put here for reference.