How would you determine if someone has won a game of tic-tac-toe on a board of any size?
(This is also on CC150v4 19.2 and CC150v4 17.2)
First, confirm that when the number of pieces in a line equals to the dimension of the board, one person wins. Eg. for 10 * 10 board, 10 pieces need to be in 1 line.
We can determine if someone has won during a game in real time, as in checking after every move.
Create an array of size 2n+2 at the beginning of the game and fill it with zeros. Each spot in the array will be a sum of X’s or O’s horizontally (the first n places in the array), vertically (the second n places in the array) and diagonally (the last 2 places). Then with every move, you add 1 to the 2 places (or 3 if on a diagnol) of the array if X, and subtract 1 if its an O. After adding you check and see if the value of the array is equal to n or -n, if it is, n mean X has won and -n means O has won.
This is uses O(2n+2) space, but it’s the best solution I can find online. I wrote code posted below.
written by me
enum Piece {
Empty, Red, Blue
public static Piece hasWon3(Piece[][] board) {
int N = board.length;
// O(2n+2) space to store count info
int[] rowCnt = new int[N];
int[] colCnt = new int[N];
int[] digCnt = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
int pieceValue = 0;
if (board[i][j] == Piece.Blue) {
pieceValue = 1;
} else if (board[i][j] == Piece.Red) {
pieceValue = -1;
// if empty, pieceValue is 0
// if blue, add 1 in count
// if red, subtract 1 in count
rowCnt[i] += pieceValue;
if (checkFinish(rowCnt[i], N) != null) {
return checkFinish(rowCnt[i], N);
// after adding the count, check if the game finishes
colCnt[j] += pieceValue;
if (checkFinish(colCnt[j], N) != null) {
return checkFinish(colCnt[j], N);
if (i == j) {
digCnt[0] += pieceValue;
if (checkFinish(digCnt[0], N) != null) {
return checkFinish(digCnt[0], N);
} else if (i + j == N) {
digCnt[1] += pieceValue;
if (checkFinish(digCnt[1], N) != null) {
return checkFinish(digCnt[1], N);
// game not finished, continue
return Piece.Empty;
private static Piece checkFinish(int count, int N) {
if (count == N)
return Piece.Blue;
else if (count == -1 * N)
return Piece.Red;
return null;