
Given a boolean expression consisting of the symbols 0, 1, ‘&’, ‘|’, and ‘^’, and a desired boolean result value ‘result’.

Now implement a function to count the number of ways of parenthesizing the expression such that it evaluates to ‘result’.


This is a difficult question.

Each parenthesized expression must have an outermost pair of

That is, we can iterate through the expression, treating each operator as the first operator to be parenthesized.

Nice idea suggested in the book! So for each operator, we consider is as first operator (to evaluate), and then we shall if the total possible count.

(Note that while coding, we DO NOT WRITE {if-else if-else…} but instead use {if… if… if…} in order to get the total count. )

DP is more time-efficient.

Like CC150v5 Q9.10, the code given in the book is very hard to read. I have my own code posted below.


public static int countMyAnswer(String exp, boolean result) {
    if (exp.length() == 1) {
        return convertIntToBool(exp.charAt(0)) == result ? 1 : 0;
    // eg. 1^0|0|1
    // result: true
    int totalCount = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < exp.length(); i += 2) {

        char op = exp.charAt(i);
        String firstHalf = exp.substring(0, i);
        String secondHalf = exp.substring(i + 1);

        int firstHalfTrue = countMyAnswer(firstHalf, true);
        int firstHalfFalse = countMyAnswer(firstHalf, false);
        int secondHalfTrue = countMyAnswer(secondHalf, true);
        int secondHalfFalse = countMyAnswer(secondHalf, false);

        if (evaluate('0', op, '0') == result) {
            totalCount += firstHalfFalse * secondHalfFalse;
        if (evaluate('0', op, '1') == result) {
            totalCount += firstHalfFalse * secondHalfTrue;
        if (evaluate('1', op, '0') == result) {
            totalCount += firstHalfTrue * secondHalfFalse;
        if (evaluate('1', op, '1') == result) {
            totalCount += firstHalfTrue * secondHalfTrue;
    return totalCount;

private static boolean convertIntToBool(char num) {
    if (num == '1') {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

private static boolean evaluate(char num1, char op, char num2) {
    boolean b1 = convertIntToBool(num1);
    boolean b2 = convertIntToBool(num2);
    if (op == '&') {
        return b1 & b2;
    } else if (op == '|') {
        return b1 | b2;
    } else if (op == '^') {
        return b1 ^ b2;
    System.out.println("Did not found operator " + op);
    return false;