有一个接口叫 void setRPS(int num);
接下来不断有 request 过来,如何实现下面的接口,返回 accept 或者 deny,
bool process(int timestamp){
Suggested by level 5 of this post:
- maintain a variable for the number of request processed/rejected.
- This variable must be atomic, thus a AtomicInteger.
- the variable is called ‘count’
- have a method to process request
- if count < limit, do it
- otherwise, reject
- This is the most important: clear the count every 1 seconds!
- eg. LIMIT = 5r/s, so:
- the first 5 number of requests in every second are getting fulfilled
- from 6th request onward, the request all rejected, until the next second.
public class SetRps {
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
int limit = -1;
int printIndex = 1;
long startTimestamp = -1;
void setRPS(int num) {
limit = num;
boolean process(long timestamp) {
// suppose timestamp is ms
synchronized (this) {
// to process or not to process
if (count.get() < limit) {
// can process
System.out.println(printIndex++ + ". processing request "
+ timestamp % 100000 / 1000 + "," + timestamp % 1000);
return true;
// to clear or not to clear
if (timestamp - startTimestamp >= 1000) {
// every 1 seconds, reset
startTimestamp = timestamp;
return true;
return false;