Apply for Google AdSense

My first request of AdSense is rejected because of “Site does not comply with Google policies“. I do not know the exact reason, but I did the following things to get it through:

  1. I registered a top-level .COM domain name to replace the original github page’s domain.

  2. I added “Privacy Policy” page, and added the link to the bottom of each blog post.

  3. I re-wrote the “About Me” page, and added in administrator email address.

  4. I updated a few more posts, making it more than 580 posts in total.

  5. I set up Google Webmaster Tools, and updated sitemap.xml in the configurations.

  6. I resubmitted my request of AdSense again.

Put AdSense in your blog

  1. Create a new file: source/_includes/asides/advertise.html

  2. Copy and paste the code from AdSense, eg.

     <script async src="//"></script>
     <!-- ad-name -->
     <ins class="adsbygoogle"
     (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
  3. Go to _config.yml, and look for “default_asides”, then add “asides/advertise.html, “ in the beginning of the array

     default_asides: [asides/advertise.html, asides/category_list.html, asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/delicious.html, asides/pinboard.html, asides/googleplus.html]
  4. Now you’ve added advertisement in your side menu.

  5. Go to source/_layouts/post.html and look for:

     if site.disqus_short_name and page.comments
  6. Right below the article, and above the comments, add your AdSense code, again.

  7. Now you’ve added advertisement above your comment area.

Thanks for the effort from this reference.


Apr 9th update: my re-submission of Google AdSense is not approached, because of “not enough content”. I don’t know what else to do, so I switched to another ad platform.

Apr 11th update: For the first time ever, my blog has more than 1,000 visit per day.