Given an unsorted array, find the maximum difference between the successive elements in its sorted form.
Try to solve it in linear time/space.
Return 0 if the array contains less than 2 elements.
You may assume all elements in the array are non-negative integers and fit in the 32-bit signed integer range.
Special thanks to @porker2008 for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
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This is an extremely difficult question of bucket sort. I refered to programcreek and tgic’s blog for reference.
Basic idea is to put elements into buckets. The number of bucket is (almost) same as the number of elements in the input. In this way, each bucket ideally will contain 1 element.
We then know that the max gap must be cross-bucket instead of within bucket. So we simply keep track of max and min value within each bucket for the purpose of calculating gap.
Why did I say “number of bucket is (almost) same as the number of elements in the input”? Well, consider this case: 3 values and (maxVal - minVal) == 100. We can make 3 bucket with size = 34. How about 5 values and (maxVal - minVal) == 6? Bucket size shall be either 1 or 2. So we’ll have either 3 or 6 bucket.
So, in the code below, you can see I make bucket size “larger by 1”:
// bSize is size of bucket (should be larger by 1)
int bSize = (maxVal - minVal + 1) / num.length + 1;
// calcualte number of buckets needed
int bCount = (maxVal - minVal) / bSize + 1;
Bucket[] buckets = new Bucket[bCount];
Note that simply use input.length as bucket count is wrong.
My code written in Java:
public class Solution {
public int maximumGap(int[] num) {
if (num == null || num.length < 2) {
return 0;
// find out max and min values of input
int minVal = num[0];
int maxVal = num[0];
for (int n: num) {
minVal = Math.min(minVal, n);
maxVal = Math.max(maxVal, n);
// bSize is size of bucket (should be larger by 1)
int bSize = (maxVal - minVal + 1) / num.length + 1;
// calcualte number of buckets needed
int bCount = (maxVal - minVal) / bSize + 1;
Bucket[] buckets = new Bucket[bCount];
// match every value into a bucket
// bucket maintains the max/min within the bucket
for (int n: num) {
int bIndex = (n - minVal) / bSize;
if (buckets[bIndex] == null) {
buckets[bIndex] = new Bucket(n, n);
} else {
// for every bucket, check in sequence and get max gap
int gap = 0;
int pre = 0;
int cur = 1;
while (cur < bCount) {
// skip all empty buckets
while (cur < bCount && buckets[cur] == null) {
if (cur == bCount) break;
// update gap, pre and cur
gap = Math.max(gap, buckets[cur].min - buckets[pre].max);
pre = cur;
return gap;
class Bucket {
int min;
int max;
public Bucket(int a, int b) {
min = a;
max = b;
public void updateVal(int val) {
min = Math.min(min, val);
max = Math.max(max, val);