difficulty: mid
adj diff: 4
One way to serialize a binary tree is to use preorder traversal. When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node's value. If it is a null node, we record using a sentinel value such as '#'.
For example, the above binary tree can be serialized to the string "9,3,4,#,#,1,#,#,2,#,6,#,#", where '#' represents a null node.
Given a string of comma-separated values preorder, return true if it is a correct preorder traversal serialization of a binary tree.
It is guaranteed that each comma-separated value in the string must be either an integer or a character '#' representing null pointer.
You may assume that the input format is always valid.
For example, it could never contain two consecutive commas, such as "1,,3".
Note: You are not allowed to reconstruct the tree.
Example 1:
Input: preorder = "9,3,4,#,#,1,#,#,2,#,6,#,#"
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: preorder = "1,#"
Output: false
Example 3:
Input: preorder = "9,#,#,1"
Output: false
1 <= preorder.length <= 104
preorder consist of integers in the range [0, 100] and '#' separated by commas ','.
这道题我并没有 pass,但是这段代码应该是 work 的。
public boolean isValidSerialization(String preorder) {
String[] nodesStr = preorder.split(",");
char[] nodes = new char[nodesStr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < nodesStr.length; i++) {
nodes[i] = nodesStr[i].charAt(0);
return isValidTree(nodes, 0, nodes.length);
private boolean isValidTree(char[] nodes, int left, int right) {
if (left == right) {
return false;
} else if (left + 1 == right) {
return nodes[left] == '#';
} else {
if (nodes[left] == '#') {
return false;
} else if (nodes[left + 1] == '#') {
return isValidTree(nodes, left + 2, right);
boolean found = false;
for (int i = left + 2; i < right; i++) {
// left tree is [left+1, i]
// right tree is [i, right]
if (!isValidTree(nodes, left + 1, i)) {
if (!isValidTree(nodes, i, right)) {
found = true;
return found;